Grover was an incredible musician but my best memories of him are as a caring brother-in-law and uncle with a great sense of humor! His passing left a huge hole in the hearts of our entire family. Forever missed! Here’s a favorite picture circa 1997.
- April Foster
Grover was not only a musical genius, he was also the kindest, gentlest and most approachable guy I've ever known! In this photo taken at The Mondrian Hotel in West Hollywood prior to Grover's headlining of The Playboy Jazz Festival at The Hollywood Bowl in June of 1992, he and his wife, Chris hold my 2 year old daughter, Arielle in their arms prior to us heading over to the concert.
Kudos to his lovely daughter, Shana Bly for organizing this terrific new platform to celebrate his musical and personal legacy…
- Steve Werblun
At rehearsal with Grover Washington, Jr. (1943 - 1999), and James Moody (1925 - 2010). Not only were they great musicians, but they were two of the nicest people to ever walk this earth. I miss them. This photo was taken at the University of Pittsburgh in November of 1999.
- Russell Malone
Grover Washington, Jr. was such a talent and to me seemed like such a genuine guy. Brad Remick and I went to Kenyon College together, small world! I invited Grover and his wife, Christine to The Winnetka Grill outside of Chicago. Grover was playing in Skokie, IL back in 1983, I think. Grover was so gracious even after I had agreed to take him and Christine to dinner and he brought the whole band. He could see I couldn’t afford ALL that, so he slipped me his AMEX card to pay! #TotalClass <3
- Ross Rylance
It was 1991… and what is a 16 year old girl thinking about? A car of course! One of my besties worked at a dealership around the corner from my school and needed to stop by her job so I went along for the ride…. Also because my dream car was in the showroom. It was beautiful… a black Grand Cherokee Loredo with leather interior and all of the bells and whistles. The idea literally popped in my head and convinced myself that I was going to get my dream car as a gift from my parents. I grabbed the marketing materials for the suv. It was this incredible booklet with amazing pictures and prices. I got home and was giddy with excitement. I was going to own this car and it was going to be amazing! Dad was in the sun porch watching tv… so I put my biggest smile on with the booklet in my sweaty hand and greeted my dad. “Hi!” I said in an overly excited voice because I had already decided that LL Cool J’s Mama Said Knock You Out Album was going to be the first to play on the (upgraded) “booming system” with the windows down, of course.
My dad took one look at me and said in a monotone voice, “Whatever it is… the answer is NO.” ...and then his eyes went back to the tv. “I have something to show you!” I pull out the booklet (that I was hiding behind my back) and I sit down next to him, “What’s this?” Yes, I have him… Dad is inquiring!!! This is my dream car and hopefully my first car? His eyes don’t leave the pages…. Even talking about each of the bells and whistles that made the car even more dynamic. I am showing him details because I have memorized what is on each page. He gets to the end of the booklet and says, “This car is beautiful.” (I am secretly dying inside and can already smell the new car smell and hear LL Cool J.) Dad continues, “...but you don’t want this car…” In the few seconds before I respond, I have a million thoughts running through my head… “This is my dream car but does he want something nicer for me?! Oh my goodness, am I about to get a Benz or my unrealistic dream of a RANGE ROVER!?!?!?!”
Dad continues, “What you want……(Yes, there was a long pause… or maybe it just felt like it...) ...What you want... is a JOB! You can’t afford this?! How much does this car cost?” I answer, “$30,000.00.” My smile literally started to liquify and was sliding off my skull. Dad says, “You are in high school… you don’t even make that in a year?!” I remember me using every reason why a 16 year old… HIS DAUGHTER, should have this car… Honestly… I feel like both of our voices started to sound like the adults in the Charlie Brown specials that play during the holidays… “Wah-wah-wahhhh”. The last thing that I heard him say was, “Shana, you don’t even have your license yet. Get your driver’s license and we will talk about a car. Not this car… but a car. First things first.” My 16 year old version of myself was crushed...
Hahaha, what was I thinking?
- Shana Bly Washington
This is a postcard that I found and wanted to share this story/postcard. -Shana Bly Washington
Hey… when I was dining at the vegetarian place in Budapest I heard something incredibly familiar. They were playing Grover’s album in the restaurant! I was so excited and it made me miss the two of you. Hope all is well, <3 Kristin
-Kristin De Leo Chalmers
Grover was always one of my biggest supporters. And he was intent on getting me a job doing an album cover for him. But, just because he wanted it didn't mean the record company wanted it. So it was never to be. But as a gift to him for all of his attempts at trying to get me this particular assignment I did this watercolor portrait of him for him.
- Steve Werblun
About 6 months after i started at Sigma we were tracking a solo with Grover and my dad walks in. My dad turned me onto Jazz and he adored your dad and still listens to him constantly. My parents were at a show in Philly last year or the year before and spoke to your mom. Anyway. G walks into the control room, there is my dad and i am hugging him and saying happy birthday. G immediately plays my dad happy birthday !! Was epic.
- Randy Abrams
GWJ is the reason I am a Jazz fan. There was a local band who I followed in the Reading, PA area. They would use "Mister Magic" as their outro to end one of their sets. When I heard "Mister Magic" for the first time, I went to the lead singer and asked who that was and what it was. I didn't get the name of the song, but I heard him say it was Grover Washington, Jr. I went out and bought just about everything he had released at the time just to find this one song. I fell in love with his style, his playing and his music. After that, I was a hardcore GWJ fan. After getting a taste for Jazz from him, I branched out and listened to other Jazz artists and became a huge Jazz fan. If I hadn't heard that snippet of "Mister Magic" when that band played it, I would never had known anything about Grover and wouldn't have become a huge fan of his music and the huge Jazz fan I am today.
- Doctoress P
One Saturday morning, Christine needed to run to the store, so Grover and I sat listening to WRTI ( Temple University Jazz) The station Host opened up his phone line for the morning Quiz. The Host asked: "who is playing this song at the organ?" Call in now if you know the answer. Grover jumped up, grabbed the phone yelling Jimmy Smith - that's Jimmy Smith! The phone is ringing at the station now but Grover hung up. Really - he hung up! He looked at me and said: "I am Grover Washington, Jr. What if I am wrong?" I still laugh to this day. GWJr I miss you
- Hannah Trimble